L.A. Woman is a podcast full of career inspiration, advice, and anecdotes from LA’s most accomplished businesswomen and entrepreneurs.

Monroe Alvarez, Founder of GRLSWIRL

Colleen Wolfe, NFL Correspondent

A few favorite guests

Julie Roth: Ciele Cosmetics

Cerre Francis & Nikki DeRoest, Founders of Ciele Cosmetics

Julie Roth: Laci Jordan

Laci Jordan, Artist

Julie Roth: Dalkin and Co

Gaby Dalkin, Chef and Founder of What’s Gaby Cooking

Julie Roth: Ashley Merrill, Lunya

Ashley Merrill, Founder of Lunya


Beth Birkett, Founder of Bephie’s Beauty Supply & UNION LA

Julie Roth: Brightland Olive Oil

Aishwarya Iyer, Founder of Brightland

Julie Roth: INH Hair

Sharon Pak and Jordan Wynn, Founders of INH Hair